Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese modality of inserting small needles into specific body points to remove blockages and aid healing. Licensed veterinarians that are certified in acupuncture are able to provide this therapy.
Regular acupuncture in combination with sports massage has shown to be highly beneficial to keep muscles and tendons resistant to injury and treat minor injuries when they do occur. Acupuncture can help your animals in all levels of fitness in training.
We are proud to partner with fellow equestrian, Dr. Michelle Morges, for your animals large and small. Dr. Morges received her veterinary degree from Colorado State University. She completed a rotating internship at VCA Veterinary Specialists of Northern Colorado and a specialty internship in oncology at North Carolina State University. Her medical oncology residency at Colorado State University was completed and she obtained board certification in 2014. More recently, she completed her training in Medical Acupuncture for Veterinarians (MAV) in April 2017.
- Stimulate nerves
- Increase blood circulation
- Relieve muscle spasms
- Release of hormones (i.e. endorphins and cortisol)
- Musculoskeletal problems: sore back, arthritis, disk disease.
- Respiratory problems: asthma, heaves.
- Skin problems: allergic dermatitis, lick granulomas.
- Gastrointestinal problems: diarrhea, non-surgical colic.
- General pain relief.
Please complete the New Client Form. Be present and timely for the session. Your horse should be in his/ her stall and relatively clean and dry. Dogs should be in a quiet, contained area so they can sit for their session.
Please do not book your treatment during feeding times to prevent distraction.
Acupuncture is recommended every 1-2 weeks for acute symptoms and every 3-4 weeks for maintenance. The sessions may be customized to fit the needs of your animal based on tension, activity level, and need. To achieve the best results, sports massage may be completed after acupuncture.