Body Conditioning for the Horse and Rider
Build the best foundation for long-term success with your horse with the help of and Heather Wallace, an Equine Sports Massage Therapist and Equine Ergonomist, Dr. Madi Rauch, a Human and Equine Chiropractor, and Dr. Danielle Shugard, a Human Physical Therapist focusing on equestrians. They bring together their specialties for horse and rider body conditioning whether you are prepping for show season, coming back from injury, or want to create a solid base for long-term health.
It’s a conditioning diary!
Learn what signs of pain to look for in your horse. Incorporate stretches into your daily routine. Find how to improve muscle tone and strength in your horse and the rider. Take notes and record your progress and your horse’s progress. Horse owners, amateurs, and professionals alike will benefit from this collaborative look at building a strong foundation for the whole body.
In this beautifully photographed book, you will learn:
* About the types of muscle and why they are essential.
* How to stretch your horse without harm to improve mobility.
* Exercises to build a solid foundation for your horse.
* How the skeletal system of the horse affects the biomechanics of movement.
* How the rider’s imbalance can create mirroring in the horse.
* Exercises for the rider to maintain strength and balance.
* A diary to track goals for both horse and rider.
* Suggested timeline and exercises.